For the web adventure project, I think I want to do something surrounding growing plants. For example, on the first page someone can choose which flower/plant they want to plant. Then, they can decide how much sunlight/water the plant receives. From there, it would take them to a final page showing whether or not their plant grew and lived. Given it is spring time, I figure this would be a cute and fitting web adventure. As fa as the technology behind this project goes, I feel it will definitely be challenging to execute this. However, I do feel comfortable with Wix, and with the help of the Pop Quizzes I think I will be able to learn enough to properly create my web adventure. I am not totally sure that this is the idea that I want to do, but for now I think it is a start. I was also considering choosing different hiking paths in Telluride, but I am not sure what the resolution of the adventure would be, so for now I am going to go with my growing plants plan!